

OxyShark®’s unique treatment process utilizes state-of-the-art technology and design to effectively treat up to thousands of gallons of wastewater per day.

Powerful Media

OxyShark is biological, meaning the system uses beneficial, living bacteria to remove pollutants from wastewater. As wastewater passes through “media” where bacteria are housed, the bacteria devour the organic waste materials. The media also enhances productivity and efficiency, speeding up the process and ensuring a nearly potable final product.

OxyShark beneficial waste consuming biological wastewater treatment bacteria

Natural and Biological

OxyShark is an aerobic system that uses living bacteria to clean wastewater. This natural process eliminates the need for chemicals, which allows operators to directly discharge or reuse the resulting water under most circumstances.

Pure Process

A unique design allows OxyShark to complete the treatment process in as little as 2-4 hours, up to 10x faster than traditional wastewater treatment alternatives. Additional treatment processes (e.g., ultrafiltration) can be added after the OxyShark process to enhance color removal, disinfection, and other treatment as required by the facility.

OxyShark wastewater treatment effluent water reuse or discharge clean water

Re-use or Discharge

Once treated, the effluent wastewater finishes the process and can be clean enough to be reused on site or directly discharged.

OxyShark clean effluent wastewater water purification

Minimal or No Byproduct

OxyShark yields minimal byproduct from the wastewater treatment process, unlike traditional systems that can leave behind messy and potentially noxious sludge.

OxyShark wastewater treatment system size dimensions

Simple and Consistent

OxyShark is easy to use and, once installed by a professional, easy to monitor, with little regular maintenance or training time necessary.

The OxyShark® Process

OxyShark is capable of managing massive loads of wastewater efficiently and effectively, all in a compact yet robust frame. The wastewater treatment process video features an in-depth view of the system with voiceover commentary.

If you have further questions about the innovative OxyShark process, please visit our FAQ’s page

What the OxyShark® Team Can Do

The OxyShark team can assist with permitting as needed. In the event that a site is working to meet environmental regulations, it is important to note there is a start up time for compliance.

OxyShark® Installation Process

Most operations can be equipped with and begin reaping the benefits of an OxyShark system in minimal time. Before the official system startup, the OxyShark team will conduct two site visits.


During Site Visit One, the OxyShark team will inspect the system setup and ensure the system is functioning properly. This process includes: testing hydraulics, setting float levels on pump stations and setting functions of any supplemental equipment. An installation packet, including specs of the OxyShark unit(s), will be sent prior to the first site visit.


At this point, waste-consuming bacteria are added. The OxyShark team will seed the system with the proper one-time dosage of biological elements and train site employees to operate the system.


OxyShark is outfitted with an electro-mechanical control package. This gives the operator complete control over the entire system. The standard package includes on/off controls, automatic settings that manage the system without monitoring, and a fault lamp that alerts the operator in the event of a system malfunction. Programmable micro-processor controls and telemetry can also be added.

1. Wastewater Needs Assessment

Determine your unique wastewater needs and whether OxyShark can meet them.

2. Engineering For Site

OxyShark will design a system to fit the specific needs of your site.

3. Installation

OxyShark can be quickly installed, including retro-fits, in a matter of days.

4. Addition of Beneficial Bacteria

After installation, beneficial bacteria are introduced to OxyShark in a one-time procedure.

5. Site Evaluation

OxyShark reps can consult with your managers to ensure a successful outcome.