
Landfill Gas Condensate

OxyShark® in a Landfill Gas Condensate Application

Condensate from gas collection systems is an ongoing problem for landfill operators.  Management of this condensate is all too often assigned as a low priority in the design and operation of landfills. Landfill operations have made giant strides in the past few decades regarding the management of leachate and methane emissions. However, the industry is beginning to take steps to address the ongoing issues with condensate management.

How Can OxyShark® Help Typical Landfills?

The OxyShark team understands the goals of the typical landfill are:

  1. treat the landfill condensate for discharge to the sanitary sewer system, and
  2. explore the treatability of the wastewater for potential reclaim and/or reuse.


Field studies have indicated the OxyShark high-purity process, when combined with an anaerobic pre-treatment, addresses both of these stated goals by reducing both BOD5 and COD, thereby allowing for the use of some of all the condensate water for discharge to sewer and/or reuse for supply water in other areas throughout the facility.

OxyShark in Action

OxyShark’s high-purity oxygen process was put to the test to help treat landfill condensate and explore the treatability of wastewater to reach state regulation standards for reclamation and reuse on site on behalf of a landfill gas production client. Through this treatability case study, our team found that, when combined with an anaerobic pre-treatment process, OxyShark was able to reduce BOD5 from 18,000 to <100 mg/l and COD reduction from 26,000 to <1,000 mg/l.

Our Recommendations

Since landfill condensate water can vary in chemical characteristics, our team recommends that a series of lab tests and treatability studies be performed to confirm the effectiveness of the biological process for achieving the specific goals of the landfill.

Evaluate the wastewater through lab tests

Develop scope of work for treatability studies

Determine the proper treatment processes